The Daily Journal, Fergus Falls, MN.
Here are a few examples;

The recently completed path connecting the Central Lakes Trail to downtown Fergus Falls, encouraging walkers, cyclists and rollerbladders to use the trail.
- The success of the Hoot Lake Triathlon and growing Athletic Republic Half Marathon, both attracting participants locally and regionally.

The development of DeLagoon Park's soccer, baseball and softball fields in recent years.
The expansion of the YMCA in the last decade.
The recent repaving of County Road 1 with a wider shoulder northeast of Fergus Falls was less heralded, but just as important to biking, running and walking enthusiasts.
We hope the Fit City designation also encourages city leaders to follow through on proposals to revitalize Lake Alice and create a system of trails along the Otter Tail River from Union Avenue to the airport. When other street projects come up, we encourage city leaders to design them to allow for cyclists and walkers/runners.
While Fergus Falls may not have the amenities that larger cities have, it has provided, and can continue to develop the resources for its residents to be physically active. And physically active residents will make for a more productive community.
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