Tuesday, October 28, 2008

City of Hoffman Awarded Grant

U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development officials last month awarded the City of Hoffman nearly $1.8 million to fund two community development projects.

Paid from the 2008 farm bill, most of the money - more than $1.5 million - will go toward installing a new city water system. The rest will help replace Hoffman's aging fire hall.

The city has been working for the last year to secure federal funding for the two projects, reported City Clerk Pat Lawson. The current city water system was built in the 1950's. As part of the project, the city will also build a new 100,000 gallon water tower; twice as large as the old tank.

Construction on the new water system is set to begin next spring.

(Source: "Minnesota Cities" volume 93, issue 9 by the League of Minnesota Cities and Alexandria Echo Press)